As you look at this space, the Go Ape! store in Tokyo, you immediately see color and lighting as the main focus of the space. That was the intent of the designer. He chose the bright colors, and the 26-ft. LED screen wall to overload the senses and create a new original experience for the costumer. Though the space may seem busy with all the different textures and colors, the floor plan is much simpler with its clear open circulation patterns. Near the main body of the boutique, there is marble flooring and, silver and pink aluminum wall panels which distinguish the men and women’s areas. This allows for clear direction through the space even though it seems to be sporadic and irregular.
This store creates an exciting and wild experience for the costumer. The bright lighting and colors encourage louder conversation much different from a store such as Banana Republic. There is also seating near the dressing rooms which also adds comfort for those who are waiting. I feel, that though the designer may not have intended the costumers to stay and linger, they possibly would because this space is so intriguing. The mirrored stainless-steel ceiling contributes to the design as another aspect that would excite and affect the senses of the customer. Also, though there are at least four different patterns through the space, they are continually used creating a unified holistic design.
Now that you have seen and began to understand this space, how would it affect you? First, would you be drawn into the space in the first place, or would you walk right past it? And if you did enter the space, how long do you think you could stay there? Would you be in complete sensory overload, or would you enjoy the space and want to stay longer? Is this something you see yourself designing, if no, how would you change it?