Turkish designer, Fatih Can Sariöz had to consider these same elements when he designed the “Kure” pod. The “Kure” pod is a futuristic idea for a modern dining table and/or sitting area. Sariöz believed that quality time with the family has diminished in the past generation and was thus motivated to create a table that would bring everyone closer together (“Kure”). Sariöz’s desire to bring people closer was accomplished through the shape of the table. The round, circular design of the “Kure” creates a more intimate space and encourages more face-to-face conversation. Sariöz also strived to create an atmosphere appropriate for family and friend gatherings. People tend to be most as ease when they’re with family and friends. With this in mind, Sariöz decided to add a touch of blue to his design in order to create a fun and relaxed atmosphere in which people felt comfort to interact. The lighting used in the “Kure” pod also helps to create this atmosphere. The central tube, which supports the roof-like component, provides strong, general lighting around the center of the table. The recessed lights within the roof component are a little softer, but help add more light around the edge of the table where people are sitting. This strong, central lighting also creates a more intimate space.

When designing the “Kure,” Sarıöz also considered how many people these days desire more space within their homes. Thus, the “Kure” pod was designed to close into a spherical shape, which conceals the six chairs and table (“Kure”).
How successful do you feel Fatih Can Sarıöz was at creating an intimate dining table? How do you think the design could be improved? Do you think this design is feasible, or is it too futuristic?
“Kure: The Modern Round Dining Table and Chairs in a ‘Pod’.” Furniture and Fashion. 2009.
I understand the idealistic solution that Sarioz was trying to achieve through the “Kure,” however, I believe that some important qualities associated with an intimate dining atmosphere for family and friends are lost when looking closely at the design. Although the centrally placed lighting fixture certainly provides a great amount of light for dining participants to share around the table, its central position becomes a problem for those seated at the table to be able to see each other. The light fixture is rather wide, at least eight inches, and this large cylindrical structure begins to block the view of people across from one another when seated at the dining table. This oftentimes happens in traditional layouts when table centerpieces are too tall. Thus, the intimate dining atmosphere between a small group of people becomes interrupted when people must awkwardly lean around the fixture to converse with one another. Or, the opposite happens, especially with people who don’t know one another very well, and people do not converse with each other at all. Clear views to all those seated at a table are essential to creating a conversational, friendship developing atmosphere. Also, dining tables are oftentimes used for other purposes throughout the day such as homework stations, home offices, craft tables, or board game rooms. Thus, the dining room should be able to accommodate all of these uses, rather than merely a dining experience. Although, the idea of having a table that folds up may be nice for space saving, wouldn’t it make more sense to be able to transform the dining table into a supplementary experience area, rather than a useless white sphere? As designers, we should try to maximize our spaces so that every potential activity can be pursued rather than ignored.
ReplyDeletePersonally I feel that this is a very unique concept. I do feel that the ideas and reasons for the design make sense, however I do feel that there could be some improvements. I think the top part helps to make the space seem more intamite, however I would feel like it may be too close to my head, as well as it seems a little heavy and predominate. The other aspect of the design that I would change is the center pole. Though I understand it needs to be big enough to hold the top, I feel as though it is very large and blocks the view of the other users. Though the design was created to decrease the space taken up by a dining table, I think it is too futuristic for our current culture. Today the idea of a dining room is still an important aspect of our home and I don’t think many families would adapt well to this design. I do however think that this design could be incorporated for more commercial and public uses.
ReplyDeleteI believe the idea behind the “Kure” is one that needs to be addressed in design today, but I do not think the design of this pod is fully successful. One aspect that does work for the pod is its overall shape. The circular table forces family members to be in an intimate and close setting. However, following the overall shape of the design, come various smaller factors that do not work as well, and therefore, contribute to the unsuccessfulness of the pod.
ReplyDeleteOne of these factors is the use of material and color. When I think of a personal setting, I think of an area in which I can feel warm and comfortable. The pod, with its use of white and blue, seems to have a sort of sterile and cool feeling, and in result, it becomes an area where many would not want to remain in for long. Furthermore, the hard, smooth material used contributes to the pod’s sterile feeling.
Another unsuccessful aspect of the pod design is the fact that when closed, the pod becomes a large sphere. The sphere is white and reflective; therefore, when put into a home environment, the pod will be very overbearing and distracting. Instead of family and guests feeling comfortable, most will be wondering what the large white mass actually is. Overall, what the pod represents is a very important consideration when it comes to design, but Sarioz’s solution to this consideration is not successful.
I think that although Sarioz's idea may bring many advantages into the home, it may at the same time take alot away from the home. Culturally, it is understood to have a dinner table within the home. In most, there is usually a room devoted to dining and gathering as a family alone. The idea behind the pod is to create more room within the home, but in my opinion, it takes away this gathering and interacting opportunity.
ReplyDeleteAnother disadvantage to this design, like Sabrina said, is that the center lighting piece may be adequete to see people's faces and so forth, but it creates quite an obstacle when attempting to communicate with one across the table. Although this design may look cool alone, there is no way that it could become cohesive within very many homes.Instead, it would seem to be simply a large distraction. Maybe a revision of the design could be one that had different versions. This way, if someone were to purchase it for their home, it would feel a little bit more unique to them.
Comfort was another issue that arose to my attention when I first saw Sarioz's design. The forms of the design are very straight forward and not very comfortable. It doesnt seem like a place where I would prefer to linger around for long. Also, back to the center lighting piece, it gives off a cool fleuorescent light which to me would be somewhat distracting. It seems that most would prefer warmer lighting within the home, especially during gathering occassions--it just seems more comfortable. The lighting that is incorporated in this design seems a little bit on the sterile side.
Although I do understand the reasoning behind Sarioz's pod, I think that some changes could definitely be made in order to really bring home this interesting idea
This is so successful! His thoughts on the loss of family around the dining table is so true. Too many families have lost touch from gathering around the table. This new idea I feel would make the kids want to sit at the table. The design of it also brings the family close and allows them to restore the family values of talking around the table. This is futuristic but this is the direction we're moving in. People need an easy way to resort back to the old ways and values that were held before technology changed the family within the home. I can't really find anything that I dont agree with but the only problem I would have with it is if it was overly heavy. It would be really hard to manage and move which wouldn't be very convient.